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The Erotic Salon


Opening to new ideas in a relaxed and cultivated environment.

Join us for the coming season as we investigate expanded sexual pleasure in a safe and positive environment. This is an evening program of educational lectures appropriate for couples and individuals, young and old, beginners and savvy advanced players. You will enjoy exposure to some new and perhaps unknown expressions of pleasure in a relaxed environment with plenty of time for discussion and sharing. Come join us as we navigate the wild waters of sex-positivity, kink play and loving connection with Maggie Tapert, the High Priestess of Pleasure.

Reserve early. The Salon fills up fast.
The lecture will take place in English.

2025 Program

This is an old-fashioned word referring to ritual punishment with a whip or flogger. In ancient times, flagellation was a self-development tool used by Spartans and early Romans. Self-flagellation was used by early Christian monks as part of a chastity practice aimed at tempering the flesh and quieting uncontrolled sexual urges. It was considered a way to punish the flesh thereby attaining spiritual advancement. Unlike the suffering inflicted in ancient times, in today’s kink world the beauty and sensual pleasure of a well-tempered whipping either by hand or by crafted implement is known to be hot, hot, hot.

More information and registration here

What is the most desirable quality in a lover? Is it a handsome face, a perfect body and a hard cock? Is it a brilliant education and a perfect financial profile? Although all these may be nice-to-have’s, what most women value in a lover is presence. So, what exactly is presence and why is it THE essential quality of profoundly intimate lovemaking?
Presence is the ability to be with a lover here and now, in the moment, in the body and nowhere else. Presence creates freedom from the constant demands and expectations of the outside world that nag us and call us away from the intensity of the moment. Presence demonstrates our willingness to meet the beloved for deep authentic connection without the mind interfering and distracting. Many spiritual exercises, particularly meditation, are intended to quiet the mind and allow for the simple clarity of the breath. Regardless of gender or sexual identity, presence in a sensual encounter moves lovers away from judgement, resistance or performance anxiety.

More information and registration here

Understanding your unique profile of desire and attraction is a first step toward mastering the art of seduction. Fortunately, humankind has evolved somewhat from the caveman technique of hitting a female over the head and dragging her to the proverbial mancave. In today’s more sophisticated world of love and relationship, seduction has transformed into a gentler and more conscious approach. To become a Master of Seduction, you will need to learn how to recognize and utilize the inner longing that you feel toward the object of your desire. Believe it or not, you do possess an innate power of seduction.

More information and registration here

Are you powerful? Do you use your personal power to create the sex life that you desire? Does facing your individual life from a position of power make you hot, horny, strong? Join me in the next Salon as we delve into the profound significance of authentic individual power.

To achieve an enriching and balanced D/s power-play, we need to better understand our relationship to individual power. Setting clear boundaries, expressing our individual desires, embracing the sex life that truly fits our needs – these are just a few of the benefits of recognizing and utilizing our unique personal power.

More information and registration here

Do you want to be touched? Do you know how to touch a lover or a friend? For human beings the experience of physical touch is more than just an expression of our sensual nature, it is in fact a life-or-death affair. It is well known that when touch is denied to infants because of illness or abandonment or other cause, they do not thrive. And this need for physical touch does not vanish as we grow into adulthood, rather it continues throughout our lives. Whether we are 6 or 60, we seek physical connection – touch – for health, balance, joy and general well-being. Touch helps us to better understand who we are and where we are in this world.

More information and registration here

Do your erotic fantasies relate to the reality of your everyday life? Perhaps you have a fantasy world that enriches and creatively expands your erotic experience. Or perhaps it’s your best-kept secret that you hope no one will ever discover. Whether pervy or not, whether private or public, your fantasy life can be a very sophisticated tool of sexual expansion and sensual evolution. Acknowledging and investigating our secrets is a sure-fire way to enhance the scope and texture of the intimate lives we enjoy with ourselves or our lovers. Some of our fantasies might find expression in the bedroom while others are best kept under lock and key inside your head. It’s useful to know the difference.

More information and registration here

Why do so many people, irrespective of gender, identify as submissive? What is the meaning of subspace? Is being in subspace like a trip without drugs? How do I get there?
In the midst of an intense BDSM scene, where clear communication and trust are well established between play partners, a sub may experience an unexpected depth of emotional surrender. Letting go of control and trusting the self into the hands of another can be a powerfully ecstatic experience which some describe as a blissful entrance into an altered state. This euphoria is a result of both the Dom’s ability to provide a sense of control and safety and the sub’s ability to fully surrender.

More information and registration here

We all have them yet in our current social environment they are totally taboo. Some of us feel a warm erotic buzz when they are touched and sucked while others feel discomfort, disgust or possibly even nothing at all. Revealing this tiny bit of flesh publicly is the fastest way to be banished from your favorite social media site. People flaunt them on Nudist beaches all over the planet yet the internet sees them as our most dangerous threat to Peace and World Order. What’s going on? Who’s in charge of our tits and how can we take back control?
Whoever you are as a sexual being, your nipples can be a source of pride and pleasure or something else entirely. The choice is yours.

More information and registration here

Kissing counts! Kissing can profoundly influence the course of a romantic interaction. Kissing can make or break a potential relationship. Your kiss is your calling card and potential partners will evaluate you on how well you have mastered this delicious interaction.
So how effective are you with this aspect of your sensual self-expression? When you move in to connect more deeply with the object of your desire, are you confident that you have all the details sorted? Do you know the difference between a seductive kiss (that begs for more) and a disaster that can’t end soon enough? Isn’t it time for you to master the lost art of the kiss?

More information and registration here

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